
We all have something that holds us down or holds us back. It may be our history, our physicality, our addiction, or our circumstance. We carry some pain we are trying to understand, work through, let go of, or deny. Pain, like talent, comes down to what we do with it. How our pain molds or motivates us is what defines its impact on our life. Will we wallow or rise? The “Skyborne” podcast is rooted in resilience. Listen as I share, with brutal honesty, the journey of my life and the lessons I have learned. This is a serialized narrative; I encourage you to listen in sequence. The story of my life comes with a trigger warning. Episodes covering particularly difficult topics such as sexual abuse, rape, suicide ideation, will be marked as “Explicit”. Episodes will be dropped every 3 weeks. My father was a commissioned officer in the Navy and my mother a nurse. I am the youngest of their 3 children. I will share my journey through complex family dynamics, the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse we all endured, and how I did the work to develop the tools to find my authentic self and my voice. If my story is helping you, please, buy me a coffee! I’ve also launched my website at - stop by!
Thursday May 19, 2022
Buoys in the Water
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Buoys in the Water picks up where Above Grey Clouds leaves off. In the middle of my struggle to survive my family and my trauma - life sends me a series of people and events at just the right moments.
#CSA #1in6Men #resilence #trauma #Incest
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Empathy and Enmity
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Empathy and Enmity picks up where Buoys in the Water left off. My mother realizes she married poorly. My parents purchase my childhood home. Our abuse at the hands of our father continues. I try my best to balance the crazy with normal childhood activities.
The Skyborne podcast is my journey from surviving to thriving.
#Incest #CSA #ChildhoodSexualAssault #Resilience #1in6Men
Trigger warnings: Incest. Physical and emotional abuse. Animal cruelty.
Friday Jul 08, 2022
His Dark Intentions
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
His Dark Intentions picks up where Empathy and Enmity left off.
This was incredibly difficult for me to produce both emotionally and physically. I recorded it with a partially paralyzed vocal cord. I finally found the voice to tell my tale, metaphorically, and then developed a vocal cord issue that literally prevents me from speaking properly. That's some irony right there.
I dig deep into the damage my childhood sexual trauma caused and share insights into my recovery and my journey. Listen when you're centered. Stay strong!
#Incest #CSA #ChildhoodSexualAssault #Resilience #1in6Men
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Coda... offers a final look at His Dark Intentions and provides analysis as to what led to those moments with my father at the age of 14. I discuss how producing His Dark Intentions shifted me in a surprisingly positive way, how I survived my abuse (big shout-out to my public school education and teachers!), and I share a recent interaction I had with an eighteen year old survivor looking for hope.
NOTE: There was a glitch with the podcasting platform where this was posted. This was originally aired Aug 18, 2022 as Season 1, Episode 5 and will appear out of sequence.
#Incest #Childhoodsexualabuse #CSA #Resilience #1in6Men
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Till Death Us Do Part
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Till Death Us Do Part explores the aftermath of His Dark Intentions and Coda... as well as the changes to my family of origin that followed. I transition to high school, try to connect with my sister, and try to reconcile my sexual abuse and sexual identity. We offer safe harbor to two of my sister's friends which shows me we are not the only family carrying secrets. I'm shown an escape from my brother pimping me out...and somebody dies.
#Suicide #Innerchild #EMDR #Incest #CSA #Resilience #1in6Men #LGBTQ
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Family’s End
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Family’s End picks up where Till Death Us Do Part leaves off and explores my parent’s separation and divorce and the impact it had on our family. My mother uses me as a pawn in their divorce. Bobby and I work together at a grocery store. I have my first high school same sex experience. I find my way into the closet as I realize I have some things to figure out. My father betrays my trust for the last time. Bobby reveals himself to me. I leave my childhood home.
#Incest #CSA #Resilience #1in6Men #LGBTQ
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Changes picks up where Family's End leaves off and examines the aftermath of my parent's divorce as I left the only home I’d ever known. There’s an homage to the many closets in which we may find ourselves in honor of the US’s National Coming Out Day. Trigger Warning: Animal Cruelty.
Note: The podcast service where I have this hosted, had a technical glitch and removed the episode. I'm not sure how the service will list this when I re-upload, but this is Season 1, Episode 8. The original air date was Oct 11, 2022.
#NCOD #Incest #CSA #Resilience #1in6Men
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Kiss Today Goodbye
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Kiss Today Goodbye continues where Changes leaves off. As my mother and I begin our life together without my father, we discover new facets of each other and I continue to struggle with my sexual identity.
I have to print a correction. I refer to Bobby's girlfriend in this episode as Diane, but I meant Claire.
#CSA #Resilience #LGBTQ #1in6Men

Surviving to thriving
I was born into a middle class family. My father and mother were high school sweethearts. He joined the Navy and she became a nurse. By the time I came along, there was not much love left between them.
My podcast explores real issues from a first person narrative for the purpose of shedding light on things too often kept in the shadows.
I served as the first openly gay elected official in my county. I slid into a ten-year medical hell which included barely being able to walk for a year, surviving 5 strokes, and enduring over 30 surgeries from orthopedic to open heart. I’ve died twice – not that I remember.
I’ve invested over 30 years in therapy and workshops to process my pain in order to build a positive life. Somehow, in a life of pain, loneliness, abuse, and disappointment I found enough buoys in the water to keep me navigating the waters of my life toward a better shore.
In short, I’ve survived a tremendous amount of damage and I want to share what I’ve learned in the hopes of being a buoy in the waters of your life.
This is a one man production.
Please, visit my website and join my mailing list.